Play is learning
Play is very important for children. Through play young children explore and learn to understand the world around them. They come to communicate, discover, imagine and create. When children play they are showing what they have learned and what they are trying to understand. This is why play is one of the foundations of the Early Years Learning Framework. The Early Childhood Educators and Co -Educators will guide your child’s play by providing interest based learning experiences and stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environments.
It is well known that children learn best when they have secure relationships with caring adults. When children from a very early age develop trusting relationships they feel more confident and able to explore and learn. When children feel emotionally secure in an early childhood setting, they learn through play to develop the skills and understanding required, to interact positively with others and they gradually learn to take responsibility.
Through the Framework’s five learning goals educators will assist your child to develop
- a strong sense of their identity
- connections with their world
- a strong sense of wellbeing
- confidence and involvement in their learning; and
- effective communication skills
Watching your child’s progress using the Early Years Learning Framework Preschool teachers and educators will observe your child’s learning so they can build on it and plan the next steps. They will do this by observing and interacting with your child. At Deep Creek Preschool each child has a portfolio that will hold photos, a collection of your child’s work and learning stories to show what your child is learning, how they are developing and what particular learning interests them.
Our program is planned on a fortnightly basis.
We place a special emphasis on providing programs that meet the individual needs of each child that are underpinned by our values and beliefs about children and reflect early childhood best practice and the Early Years Learning Framework. You can be confident that your child’s learning and growing competence is enhanced and nurtured whilst in our care.
Our Program Goals
- For children to experience a program that stimulates learning across all areas of development and demonstrates respect for each individual child’s needs.
- For children to participate in planned and spontaneous creative music, dance, movement or drama.
- For children to participate in the program, equally by ensuring children of both genders and all abilities have equal access to all of the activities and equipment provided.
- For the program to promote to children the importance of showing acceptance of different and diverse cultural practices by developing children’s knowledge of the customs and celebrations of cultural groups.
- For all children to actively participate in a wide range of learning experiences that are challenging, meet individual special needs and reflect an anti-bias approach.
- For staff to ensure that program planning practices are evaluated on an ongoing basis to ensure that our programs are of best practice.
- For parents to be encouraged to contribute to the overall development of each child’s experience within the program by offering suggestions to the program.
- To promote health and hygiene within the program in a fun and pleasant manner.
- For the program to reflect the vision of the Early Years Learning Framework.
- To know each child and their family as individuals.
- For children to feel comfortable within the preschool environment.
- For children to acquire a sense of self.
- To help each child develop to their full potential.
- For children to develop independence.
- For children to complete a variety of experiences so that they may develop self-esteem and confidence.
- For children to explore all areas of development; including: Maths, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Movement and Literature.
- For children to become creative thinkers.
- For children to work towards turn- taking and co-operation with others.
- To provide a non gender bias program approach, in which children challenge stereotypes.
- For children to be aware of and respectful of others.
- For the children to solve their own problems with staff guidance.
- For children to be responsible for their belongings and actions.
- For children to be environmentally aware.
- For children to be socially and academically ready for the challenges of their further learning.
- To prepare children for the transition to school and a lifetime of learning.
The National Quality Standard
The National Quality Framework delivers better quality early childhood education and care for all Australian children. Our preschool is covered by the National Quality Framework and has been assessed and rated against the National Regulations and each of the seven Quality Areas of the National Quality Standard.
Deep Creek Preschool has been rated as MEETING the National Quality Standard.
The National Quality Standard aims to promote:
- The safety, health and wellbeing of children
- A focus on achieving outcomes for children through high-quality educational programs
- Families’ understanding of what distinguishes a quality service
For more information on the National Quality Standards go to:
For more information on the Framework go to:
Our Program
Play based learning that is engaging and builds success for life.
Deep Creek Preschool adopts the Early Years Learning Framework developed to ensure your child receives a quality education program
This is a vital time for children to learn and develop, the Framework and our centre’s unique philosophy help our preschool educators guide the program.
Deep Creek Preschool uses the Framework in partnership with families to develop learning programs responsive to children’s ideas, interests, strengths and abilities and recognises that children learn through play.
The Early Years Framework describes childhood as a time of
Belonging is the basis for living a fulfilling life. Children feel they belong because of the relationships they have with their family, community, culture and place.
Being is about living here and now. Childhood is a special time in life and children need time to just ‘be’ – time to play, try new things and have fun.
Becoming is about the learning and development that young children experience. Children start to form their sense of identity from an early age, which shapes the type of adult they will become.